Wednesday, 17 July 2013

The Hutton Inquiry - Truth or Lie? - The purpose of this blog

I'm setting up this blog to facilitate a public, evidence-based discussion between myself, Dr. Andrew Watt, and Mr. John Rentoul, a journalist who seems to believe that the Hutton Inquiry was a trustworthy process.

Mr. Rentoul has in the past supposedly challenged people who doubt the Hutton Inquiry, in particular the official story that Dr. David Kelly committed suicide, to a public debate.

I hope to be able to give to Mr. Rentoul posting rights equal to my own, although I'm not yet certain how that is done.

Today, 17th July 2013, is the 10th anniversary of the seeming suicide of Dr. David Kelly. At least that is the official story.

That being the case I suggest that, initially at least, Mr. Rentoul and I focus on the evidence about the death of Dr. David Kelly.

I suggest that we leave until later in the process the question of whether, as I believe, a larger purpose was to conceal that the Blair Government's drive to war was dishonest and unlawful.

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